PAT. GB2586433
Smart Watch® a means of Protection, a form of Entertainment and an Electronic Wearable Device
Smart Watch Technology Ltd - Introducing A new mini phone worn on the wrist, supports hands free SIM card communication, features hardware and programming software, multiple interface dials, ringtones, camera, video, sound recorder, music, plus multi sports - health & fitness apps, LED oximeter optical heart rate sensor, including new health monitors plus smart watch services.
The concept behind the brand Smart Watch® colourful rainbow logo not only represents products such as a smart bracelet health monitor and wearable telecommunication device; it is also a brand to represent services and businesses in the community to help promote positive action, positive performance and positive change. The smart watch® brand may be used to represent products such as smart watch® movies, film, or media, news or entertainment. Or used with other visuals and optics, for example to smart watch® something as a means of protecting it, and may include safety monitoring, alarms and alarm systems as a means to worn or signal. Or to smart watch® nature reserves, preservation of wild life and birds, endangered species, children, or to smart watch® the environment. It could also be a brand to represent
a product or service for the use of testing, controlling, weighing, measuring and timing, or used to achieve a personal goal such as smart watch® health or smart watch® diet. Smart Watch® is a brand to promote positive change for ourselves and each other in our communities.